第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-01
発表題目 Physiological and transcriptome responses to elevated CO2 in Pinus densiflora
要旨本文 Physiological response and transcriptome changes were observed to investigate the effects on the growth, metabolism and genetic changes of Pinus densiflora grown for a long time. Pine trees were grown at ambient and elevated CO2 for 10 years in open-top chambers. The content of nonstructural carbohydrates was significantly increased in elevated CO2. The activities of antioxidants were increased at an elevated CO2 of 720 ppm. RNA-Seq analysis identified 2415 and 4462 differentially expressed genes between an ambient and elevated CO2 of 560 ppm and 720 ppm, respectively. Genes related to glycolysis/gluconeogenesis and starch/sucrose metabolism were unchanged or decreased at an elevated CO2 of 560 ppm and tended to increase at an elevated CO2 of 720 ppm. It was confirmed that the expression levels of genes related to photosynthesis and antioxidants were increased at an elevated CO2 of 720 ppm.
著者氏名 ○Hyemin Lim, Tae-Lim Kim
著者所属 National Institute of Forest Science, South Korea