第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-04
発表題目 Investigation and selection of superior forest stands and trees of Quercus acuta in Korea
要旨本文 Quercus acuta is the most widely distributed evergreen oaks in Korea and is expected to be alternative species against climate change. To deal with the continuous loss of Quercus acuta and conserve genetic resources, we developed selection criteria and methods for superior forest stands and trees. This study applied a subjective grading system mainly based on growth, adaptability, and seed production characteristics to evaluate the superiority of trees and stands. Finally, 61 superior trees out of 200 trees and five superior stands out of 16 stands of Quercus acuta were selected. Through this approach, it is possible to establish seed orchards with superior trees and utilize superior stands as temporary seed sources.
著者氏名 ○Yeongkon Woo, Kyung Mi Lee
著者所属 National Institute of Forest Science, South Korea