第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-05
発表題目 Main Activities of Korean Society of Forest Science in 2022
要旨本文 As the pandemic of covid-19 subsided, the Korean Society of Forest Science (KSFS) conducted various activities in 2022. It includes academic conferences, seminars, and various meetings. Through monthly seminars, various topics such as water management, satellite images and AI for forestry were presented and discussed. KSFS researchers published a popular science book on forest carbon management (April). As a side event of the 15th World Forestry Congress, a seminar focusing on wood industry was co-hosted (May). An international conference was held face-to-face with the topic of 'Forest-based Solutions for Climate Resilience and Ecosystem Restoration', and more than 500 researchers participated (August). A symposium with the theme of ‘Forest and Food’ was held jointly with FAO (November). KSFS will cooperate more actively with international communities related to forestry in 2023.
著者氏名 ○Soo Hyung EO, Ho Sang KANG, Su Young WOO
著者所属 Korean Society of Forest Science, South Korea