第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-07
発表題目 Supply, Trade-offs, and Synergies estimation for regulating ecosystem services(ES) of local forests
要旨本文 This study aims to estimate the supply, trade-offs, and synergies of local forest regulating ES using a land cover classification map (LCCM) and a forest types map (FTM). Literature reviews and Expert Delphi analysis were conducted using the detailed variables of LCCM and FTM. Land-use scoring method and Getis ord Gi* Analysis were utilized on variables to propose a method for estimating supply, trade-offs, and synergies of the local forest regulating ES. The analysis revealed that the rank order (1st to 5th) of regulating ES supply was erosion prevention, air quality regulation, heat island mitigation, water quality regulation, and carbon storage. When analyzing the correlation between defined services of the entire city, almost services showed a synergistic. However, when analyzing locally, trade-offs appeared in the eastern and northwestern forest areas.
著者氏名 Jang-Hwan Jo
著者所属 Wonkwang University, South Korea