第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-10
発表題目 Differences in the trait of microbial communities between coniferous and broad-leaved forests
要旨本文 Soil microbial community structure of stable coniferous and broadleaved stands at the Mount Gariwang in Pyeongchang, South Korea was analyzed to construct a database for evaluation of forest soil ecosystem. NGS (next generation sequencing) and six physicochemical analyses were conducted. As a result, the alpha diversity of bacterial soil community in the broadleaved stands is more sensitive responses to season than the coniferous stands. And a significant difference in beta diversity was observed between coniferous and broadleaved stands in August. In fungal community, alpha diversity of the two stands showed a significant difference in only August. However, beta diversity showed a significant difference between the two stands in all periods. In addition, significant differences in physicochemical characteristics were detected between soils of the two stands.
著者氏名 ○Seok Hui Lee, Jun Young Park, Dae Sol Kim, Soo Hong Jeon, Jun Won Kang
著者所属 Kyungpook National University, South Korea