第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 ポスター発表
講演番号 GP-13
発表題目 Contrasting effect of torrefied wood chips and vermicompost on the growth of tree and weed in salt-affected reclaimed land of Korea: Suggestions for Improving Crop Productivity and Quality in Soil Reclamation Areas
要旨本文 Plant growth is impeded by a harsh environment such as nutrient deficiencies and poor soil conditions in salt-affected reclaimed land. We investigated the effects of torrefied wood chips (TWC) and vermicompost (VC) on soil chemical properties, poplar tree growth and weed biomass in the Saemangeum reclaimed land of Korea. TWC and VC which were used as soil amendments showed the contrasting effects on tree growth and weed biomass in this area. TWC improved the growth of tree diameter and height, but it didn’t influence on weed biomass. VC significantly increased weed biomass by 21%, but it wasn’t effective for crop tree height. The result of this study implies that TWC and VC can be used as one of the sustainable management ways to improve crop productivity in salt-affected reclaimed lands.
著者氏名 ○Hyung Won Kim, Ji Young An, Aung Aung, Si Ho Han, Woo bin Youn, Byung Bae Park
著者所属 Chungnam National University, South Korea