第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


立地部門[Forest Environment]

日付 ポスター発表
会場名 (学生ポスター賞の審査対象)
講演番号 P-301
発表題目 Methane emission from living and dead cypress stems in a temperate coniferous forest
Methane emission from living and dead cypress stems in a temperate coniferous forest
要旨本文 Methane (CH4) is the second most abundant anthropogenic greenhouse gas in the atmosphere. Previous studies reported CH4 emission from tree stems both under living and dead condition. Potential sources of stem CH4 emission include tree-produced CH4 and soil-produced CH4 with stem transportation. With the instrumentation improvement, CH4 measurements in a short time and multiple locations in field became possible, and measuring CH4 from tree stems is gaining interest.We investigated variation of Japanese cypress stem CH4 flux including living and dead trees over one year by chamber method, and potential CH4 production capacity by incubation measurement. We observed CH4 emission from all the cypress stem chambers, and emission rate had seasonal trend with temperature dependency. In addition, cypress stem showed different CH4 emission magnitude depending on decay level. It is suggested that dead cypress can be CH4 source and preferential CH4 source was different among decay level.
著者氏名 ○Zhining Liu1 ・ Ayaka Sakabe2 ・ Yoshiko Kosugi1
著者所属 1Graduate school of agriculture, Kyoto University ・ 2Hakubi center, Kyoto University
キーワード methane, greenhouse gas, dead vegetation, carbon cycle
Key word methane, greenhouse gas, dead vegetation, carbon cycle