第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 2024年3月8-10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 542
講演番号 GP-01
発表題目 Various activities of the Korean Society of Forest Science in 2023
所属 Kongju National University
要旨本文 Since its founding in 1960, the Korean Society of Forest Science (KSFS) has been the leading society representing the field of forest science in Korea. In 2023, KSFS carried out many activities. Academic conferences were held in February and August, with a total of over 800 presentations. Through monthly seminars, various topics such as digital twins, wooden construction, and REDD+ were discussed. In particular, many events were held in cooperation with international forestry-related communities: KSFS hosted an international symposium commemorating the 50th anniversary of National Reforestation with the National Institute of Forest Science. Another international symposium on forest conservation and ecosystem restoration in Asia was organized with the Asia Forest Institute, supported by Gangwon Forestry Exhibition 2023 and AFoCO. KSFS will cooperate more actively with international communities in 2024.
著者氏名 Soo Hyung EO, Ho Sang KANG, Sang-Hyun LEE, Su Young WOO
著者所属 Kongju National University
Key word forestry, international cooperation, KSFS, network