第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


林政部門[Forest Policy]

日付 2024年3月10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 543
講演番号 PA-8
発表題目 Comparative Analysis of Stakeholder Consciousness on Logging Using AHP
Comparative Analysis of Stakeholder Consciousness on Logging Using AHP
所属 Kangwon University
要旨本文 This research conducts a comparative analysis of stakeholder consciousness on logging using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. It emphasizes the importance of diverse stakeholder participation for sustainable development, particularly in the forestry sector. The study reveals a significant disparity in perceptions among different groups, including local residents, academics, officials, and timber producers. While environmental concerns are paramount for locals and officials, economic factors dominate the priorities of academics and producers. The research highlights the influence of mass media on public perception, suggesting a need for more positive and informed discourse. It also suggests incorporating social factors like forest welfare services into logging projects. Overall, the study provides valuable insights into reconciling conflicting priorities through understanding stakeholder perspectives, thereby contributing to more sustainable and community-inclusive forestry practices.
著者氏名 ○teaheon choi1 ・ Joonsoon Kim2
著者所属 1Forest Management, Kangwon National University ・ 2Forest Sciences, Kangwon National University
キーワード village, wood harvesting, stakeholder analysis
Key word village, wood harvesting, stakeholder analysis