第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索



日付 2024年3月10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 531
講演番号 PE-27
発表題目 Germination and cultivation experiments for the production of seedlings of useful tree species in Malawi
Germination and cultivation experiments for the production of seedlings of useful tree species in Malawi
所属 長野大学
要旨本文 The main causes of deforestation in Lake Malawi National Park (LMNP) have been suggested to be population growth in the surrounding villages and the associated increase in demand for household firewood. Nseza, the local name, is an important wood resource preferred by villagers, especially because of its good long-lasting firewood and its suitability for smoking fish. Msangu (scientific name: Faidherbia albida), the local name, is widely distributed mainly in maize fields within Chembe village. Msangu, a legume, is known to fix atmospheric nitrogen by forming a symbiosis with rhizobia and dropping its leaves on the field, thus having a fertilizing effect. The objective of this study is to develop a simple method to produce seedlings of Msangu, which is considered easy to produce, and Nseza, which is considered difficult, using seeds, branches (for cuttings), and seedlings of these two species collected from forests in the LMNP or maize fields in Chembe village.
著者氏名 ○Kazuaki Takahashi1 ・ Nicholas Mantis2 ・ Rajab Janah3 ・ John Matewere2 ・ Brighten Ndawala2 ・ Yasuko Kusakari4 ・ Tetsu Sato4
著者所属 1Nagano University ・ 2Chembe village ・ 3Department of National Parks and Wildlife ・ 4Ehime University
キーワード Firewood, Fertilizer wood, Brachystegia microphylla, Faidherbia albida
Key word Firewood, Fertilizer wood, Brachystegia microphylla, Faidherbia albida