第135回日本森林学会大会 発表検索


生理部門[Tree Physiology]

日付 2024年3月10日
開始時刻 ポスター発表
会場名 532
講演番号 PG-25
発表題目 Physiological characteristics of Cryptomeria japonica during the dormant season in the warm-temperate region
Physiological characteristics of Cryptomeria japonica during the dormant season in the warm-temperate region
所属 鹿児島大学
要旨本文 Regrowth after the dormant season in trees is expected to be hampered by insufficient chilling due to global warming, especially in the warm-temperate region where cold periods are short. The first step to understand this malfunction is to identify physiological characteristics related to the regrowing process triggered by the accumulation of chilling. In this study, we evaluated monthly changes of the percentage of bud break under growth promoting conditions, and simultaneously measured respiration rate, contents of phytohormones and carbohydrates in shoots of Cryptomeria japonica growing in the warm-temperate region from November 2022 to March 2023. Percentage of bud break increased significantly in December and steadily increased thereafter. This was negatively associated with respiration rate, contents of abscisic acid and salicylic acid which declined after November. Thus, declines in these physiological characteristics are likely related to the regrowing process.
著者氏名 ○Shoma Hiejima1 ・ Hiroto Seino1 ・ Rico Hachisuka2 ・ Yuka Watanabe1 ・ Takakazu Matsuura3 ・ Izumi C. Mori3 ・ Ugawa Shin1
著者所属 1Kagoshima University ・ 2Kagoshima University ・ 3Okayama University
キーワード Cryptomeria japonica, Dormancy, Physioloical characteristics, Shoot, Warm-temperate region
Key word Cryptomeria japonica, Dormancy, Physioloical characteristics, Shoot, Warm-temperate region