第134回日本森林学会大会 発表検索

発表分野 一覧

S1. マツヘリカメムシ、マツ類を被食する新規外来種の急速な分布拡大とその生態について[Impact of a new invasive insects, Leptoglossus occidentalis, on Japanese pine trees and its ecological characteristics]
S2. 環境変化にともなう樹林地生産性に関わる被食防衛[Forest productivity affected by plant defense capacity under changing environments]
S3. 人材育成をみすえた森林科学の専門教育の連携・つながりを考える-行政、教育機関、地域-[Collaboration in Specialized Education on Forest Science for Human Resource Development: Government, Educational institutions and Local communities]
S4. 「森林サービス産業」:エビデンス収集から社会実装への転換期に森林科学はどのように貢献できるのか?[“Forest-related Service Industry”: How can forest science contribute to the transition from evidence collection to social implementation?]
S5. ポスト2020生物多様性枠組(GBF)における保全と利用の相克と科学政策対話の役割[Conservation and Sustainable Use in Era of Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework: Designing Map, Indicators and Incentives as Boundary Objects]
S6. 山地森林環境の長期的な変化と,それらが水・土砂・流木の流出に及ぼす影響をふまえた災害予測の可能性[The effect of long-term changes in mountain forest environment on water, sediment and woody debris transport and possibility of disaster prediction based on those knowledges]
S7. 生理部門企画シンポジウム「光エネルギーの上手な利用」とポスター紹介[Tree Physiology Section Symposium “Wise use of photoenergy” and poster introduction]
T1. 生物多様性保全と森林管理[Biodiversity conservation and forest management]
T2. 森林の放射能研究[Research on radioactivity in contaminated forest]
T3. 樹木根の成長と機能[Development and function of tree roots]
林政部門[Forest Policy]
風致・観光部門[Landscape Management and Tourism]
経営部門[Forest Management]
遺伝・育種部門[Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding]
生理部門[Tree Physiology]
植物生態部門[Forest Ecology]
立地部門[Forest Environment]
防災・水文部門[Forest Disaster Prevention and Hydrology]
利用部門[Forest Engineering]
動物・昆虫部門[Forest Insects and Animals]
微生物部門[Forest Microbes]
特用林産部門[Non-Wood Forest Products]
Journal of Forest Research論文賞
高校生ポスター発表[high-school student poster presentation]